Mari's House in Aalesund
Mari's hometown, Aalesund
On June 5th, I will be leaving the U.S. flying to Oslo, Norway. Mari and I will be leaving together and meeting back up in Aalesund, her home town. Here's my flight info:
British Airways Flight # 0226
Departs Atlanta 9:15 PM June 5, 2009
Arrives London 10:20 AM June 6, 2009
British Airways Flight # 0766
Departs London 12:45 PM June 6, 2009
Arrives Oslo 3:55 PM June 6, 2009
Upon arriving in Oslo, I will be taking the train up to Aalesund. Here is the contact information for Mari and her family. I imagine that Mari and I will move traveling around Norway while I am there but you can get in touch with me through her family or her cell if you can't reach me on mine.
Svingen 1b
6008 Aalesund
004770138047 - Housephone
004770138047 - Housephone
004790643011 - Per Gunnar Beyer/Mari's Dad
004748231131 - Mette Karin Johannessen/Mari's Mum
I plan to leave Norway on or around June 20th. This will be a sad day because it will be the last time I see Mari for.....
Next stop, Copenhagen.