Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's been a while...

It seems like it has been an eternity since I wrote on my blog. I have done so much since just the other day. I made it to Copenhagen on time and in one piece! I spent the night there and did ALLLLL the touristy stuff in one day. I was so exhausted! I don't think my feet have ever hurt so much. But it was totally worth it because the weather was perfect and I---well I was in Copenhagen :)
I caught the night train to Amsterdam that night. That's where I am now. I wish I had pictures to post but I am using the computer at the public library and you don't have the option of loading anything. Ah well, I will get that done soon.
So today was the museum day so to speak. I went to the Rijksmuseum where they have all the Vermeers, Rembrants, Hals and such. Beautiful work. Next I went to the Van Gogh museum. That was really cool. I like his work better than the Dutch Masters anyway!
When I was leaving that museum I found the REALLY BIG WOODEN shoe that is so good for pictures (some of you may know which one I'm talking about). I cannot tell you how difficult it is to take a picture of yourself in a big wooden shoe. I felt like an idiot setting my camera up then taking a running leap into a big clog but, again, totally worth it! It's a horrible picture, but hey, I'm in a shoe :)
Tomorrow I am going to get up early so I can make it to the Anne Frank House before I catch my 12:30 train to Munich. I got a ticket for a free canal tour when I exchanged my Danish money for Euros but I've been so busy that I didn't get a chance to use it. Anybody coming this way?? I can save it for you!


  1. Glad to see you're having a good time!
    I can't believe your going to Munich....I want to go to Munich, Berlin, and Stuttgart sooooo bad. Take lot's of photos.

  2. Did you yell CANNONBALL before you jumped in the clog?LOL

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun. You just can't imagine how much fun your friends are having sitting at their computers, imagining you jumpinging into a clog just for a picture. We're hoping the microwave will blow up our lunch...have fun for all of us. Peyton is secure with me next week :)
